Colour Reduction

Tannin Filters | Colour Reduction

Tannin Filters | Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire | Scotland
Tannin Filters | Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire | Scotland

What Are Tannins?
When Tannins are present, they will cause a yellow to dark tea color in water and an unpleasant taste and odor. This effect is caused by organic acids formed during the decomposition of vegetation. Tannins occur in water in almost any location where large quantities of vegetation have decayed. The structure of tannins depends on the vegetation in the area and varies from location to location. 
Tannin molecules tend to form anions in water above pH 6 and can be treated with anion exchange resins. Below pH 5 tannins are better treated with activated carbon. 

If I Have It What Can I Do If I Have Colour In My Supply??
Types of treatment media and equipment will vary according to the levels of iron or manganese, type of iron, daily water usage and other water parameters. A water quality test report should be obtained to ensure the appropriate equipment is suggested.

JN Environmental are experts in the field of Private Water Supply (PWS) treatment and maintenance, contact our office today to discuss your filtration requirements.

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Tannin Filters | Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire | Scotland
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