Hydrogen Sulphide Reduction (Rotten Egg Smell)

Hydrogen Sulphide (Rotten Egg Smell)

Hydrogen Sulfide Removal|  Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire | Scotland

What Is Hydrogen Sulphide?

Hydrogen sulfide gas is formed from decomposing underground deposits of organic matter, such as decaying plant material. It smells like rotten eggs and can be quite overpowering.

Boreholes drilled in shale or sandstone often have hydrogen sulfide present in the water. The presence of hydrogen sulfide may be seasonal and frequently occurs in borehole water which also contains high levels of iron and/or manganese, or that has a low pH.

Treating Hydrogen Sulphide

There are a few different options to treat Hydrogen Sulfide depending on the severity. 

Firstly the water needs to be aerated. Once oxidation has taken place the water is passed through a reduction media such as Catalytic Carbon. In some cases a tank and blower system with exhaust can be used to treat the Hydrogen Sulfide.

JN Environmental are experts in the field of Private Water Supply (PWS) treatment and maintenance, contact our office today to discuss your filtration requirements.

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