Turbidity Reduction

 Turbidity Reduction

Turbidity Reduction Filters |  Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire
Turbidity Reduction Filters |  Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire

What Is Turbid Water?

Turbidity is the cloudiness or muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended in water. Turbidity issues can sometimes be inconsistent and become more of a problem during wet seasons due to bad weather.

Treating Turbid Water

The maximum permissible value of turbidity in water is 4NTU. Aside from the poor visual appearance of water with high turbidity, it is very important to remove turbidity in order to sterilise the water using UV light, so it is free from any micro-biological issues such as e-coli. Turbid water also typically has higher concentrations of heavy metals

JN Environmental are experts in the field of Private Water Supply (PWS) treatment and maintenance, contact our office today to arrange your free of charge site survey.

Turbidity Reduction Filters |  Cumbria | Cheshire | Derbyshire | Lancashire | Northumberland | North Wales | North Yorkshire | West Yorkshire | Yorkshire
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